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What Exactly is Wellness Travel?

You’ve probably heard of solo travel, volunteer travel, and adventure travel, but there’s another type of travel that is gaining in popularity that you may not be aware of. It is called wellness travel and is defined as traveling with the goal of enhancing one’s personal well-being.

Across the last decade, people have been making a shift towards a healthier lifestyle. They’ve checked out Paleo versus Keto, added in core stability during trainings for half-marathons, and drank alkaline water for acidic bodies. So, it’s not surprising that they now want to see these similar health benefits integrated into the way they travel as well.

People are seeking a balance between work and play. They no longer want to return home from vacation exhausted, stressed, and bloated. When traveling for work, they don’t want to spend all day in a conference room and then have a hotel room service. Today’s travelers want to throw open the doors and walk through the city, sample local food from street vendors and experience the location. They seek to cultivate health during their travels.

In the Past

Wellness travels were once considered a way to detox some aspect of your mind or body. Think of yoga retreats with gurus, or relaxing at spa-based hotels for facials and massages, or even programs focused on weight-loss. Times have changed and the definition of wellness travel has evolved to include physical, emotional, social, spiritual, economic, and environmental health. Wellness travel offers holistic aspects integrated into life for an optimal state of well-being. In simpler terms, this means the travelers can become healthier during wellness travel. Ideally, these wellness changes will be incorporated into their lives upon returning home, thereby resulting in positive, long-term effects.

Wellness Travel Benefits

Speaking of changes that could result from wellness travel, they extend to:

– Enhanced overall physical and mental health

– Renewed energy to tackle what life throws at you

– Reconnections to self, life, family, and work

– Stress managment and reduction

– Improved nutrition

– Increased creativity by breaking out of your daily routines

– New perspectives resulting from exposure to new people, experiences, and cultures

– Living a more meaningful life rather than just living to work. 

Wellness Growth

The world is taking note of wellness travel as well. It’s the fastest growing sector of the travel industry and accounts for 14% of all global travel. Seems like we are all seeking a better way to vacation that doesn’t involve the extra stress and hassle of planning and traveling.

Next time you prepared to travel, consider adding in some wellness to your schedule. Your body and mind will thank you in return.


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